How do you relinquish the role of executor?

On Behalf of | Nov 27, 2015 | Executors And Fiduciaries, Trustees |

When a family member, friend, or colleague names you as the executor of his or her estate, he or she is tasking you with an enormous responsibility. What if you fear, however, that you may not be able to adequately fulfill the role? Properly seeing an estate pass through its administration and/or the probate process may require a significant amount of time and energy on your part. If you fill that you simply aren’t capable of handling such duties at the moment, you do have a way to decline the responsibility.

The preferred method of turning down the request to be an executor may be to do it before your official court appointment. You simply need to notify the heirs and beneficiaries of the estate to allow them adequate time to find a replacement. You then file a renunciation form with the probate court in the county the decedent lived in prior to death.

If you have already been appointed by the court to be the executor, the process becomes a bit more involved. The court will typically review your request and examine any motives that you may have for wanting to relinquish your duties. Acceptable reasons may include:

  •          A poor general state of health
  •          An immediate family emergency
  •          The death of family member

You will likely be required to make an accounting of all of the work that you have done thus far for the estate. That will include any receipts and financial documents for estate-related transactions you were involved in.

Keep in mind that relinquishing executor responsibilities is not a decision to be made lightly. You should also know that the United Kingdom Probate Code will not allow you to personally name a replacement unless there are already provisions in the will granting you the power to do so.


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