Daughter alleges late father’s friend led him to change his will

On Behalf of | Dec 9, 2016 | Probate And Estate Administration |

Not only is estate planning a process that Woodland Hills residents should begin early on in their adult lives, but also one in which they may want to involve their families and other interested parties in. The reason for this is that as one’s circumstances change throughout his or her life, he or she may feel compelled to update his or her estate planning documents to reflect the current situation. If all those who are party to the estate are not involved in this process, they may cry foul once the testator is gone and his or her current will is brought to light.

It is a Massachusetts man’s supposed decision to change his will that has prompted a dispute between his friend and his daughter. The daughter claims that her father’s actual wishes are expressed in the will he created in the early 1980s, in which he left the bulk of his estate to her, as well as her mother and brother. However, a new will drafted a few months before he died names his partner as the intended recipient of the majority of his property and assets, which are reported to be in excess of $1.2 million. Upon the death of the partner, the will stipulates that they should then go to the friend in question.

In disputing the validity of this most recent will, the man’s daughter argues that the friend influenced her father to amend his will, even going so far as to present herself as an attorney. Those who share the same belief regarding the handling of their loved ones’ estates may feel justified in making a similar argument. They may even want to consider enlisting the services of an attorney to help in their disputes.

Source: The Vineyard Gazette “Tangled Probate Dispute Involves Dukes County Manager” Myrick, Steve, Nov. 17, 2016


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