Is at-home or out-of-home long-term care right for you?

On Behalf of | Apr 8, 2017 | Blog |

You will undoubtedly face many unexpected situations over the course of your lifetime. Some of those events may bring joy to you and your family, and other incidents may cause considerable stress and uncertainty. Though you cannot plan for all potential life events, estate planning could help you address the possibility of needing long-term care at some point in the future.

A substantial number of people end up in situations where long-term care proves necessary. The circumstances of needing such care can come from physical or mental impairments that result from injuries, illnesses or other factors. Because you probably do not want to place your family in a predicament that causes them to feel the burden of deciding how they should handle your care, you may wish to consider creating your own plans ahead of time.

At-home care

In some cases, you could have the ability to obtain at-home care in order to remain in a familiar environment. However, you might want to assess your living arrangements to determine whether this option has feasibility. If the condition of your home could deteriorate significantly over time or making modifications to allow wheelchair access or other needs could prove difficult, your home may not offer the best accommodations for your extended care.

During your planning, you may also wish to explore professional services in your area. If your family cannot attend to your needs or you simply wish to utilize professionals, ensuring the availability of at-home services could play a significant role in any decision you make.

Out-of-home care

If the accommodations do not exist for you to remain in your home or other conditions lead to your decision or desire to obtain care away from home, researching the various types of facilities could prove beneficial. Assisted living facilities and nursing homes commonly come to mind when looking into such services, but you could potentially also utilize a retirement community that offers specific types of care options.

Solidifying your plans

After you explore your care options and feel ready to make necessary decisions, you will probably want to ensure that you create your plans correctly. If you do not take the legal steps necessary, your family and the court might not consider your choices legally binding. Luckily, you can utilize estate planning to ensure the appropriate parties know your wishes.

Because various aspects and decisions go into creating an estate plan, you may also want to obtain assistance during the planning process. Speaking with an experienced United Kingdom attorney could allow you to gain valuable insight.


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