Protecting your digital assets and your information

On Behalf of | Feb 28, 2018 | Blog |

United Kingdom readers know that most people have a significant digital footprint. From Facebook accounts to online checking accounts, you likely have a portion of your life online. For many people, it is necessary to protect these accounts and private information stored online by including digital assets in a will.

If you have a will, you know that one of its main purposes is to distribute your assets and money as you wish after your death. However, you can utilize this estate planning tool to ensure that your digital life and interests are secure and end up in the right hands. It could beneficial to take steps to add your digital assets to your existing will or draft a will that includes them.

Drafting a will that meets your needs

You have the right to draft a will that suits your needs, including specific objectives you have regarding your digital assets. As you work to make sure you include everything important in your digital will, you may find it beneficial to do the following:

  • Make sure you have a complete inventory of your online accounts, their value, their importance and all related passwords and login information.
  • Name a person to be your digital executor, which would allow that person to carry out the wishes included in your digital will.
  • Include specific instructions regarding how you wish people to address your digital assets during the execution of your estate.

One of the most important aspects to protecting your digital life is to ensure that you update your will as necessary after major life events, such as a death in the family or remarriage.

Digital assets are incredibly important, and without the right information included as part of your will, your beneficiaries may not be able to settle your estate and access what they need. It is prudent to consider your digital life as you work on your estate plan.

What kind of estate plan do you need?

Your estate plan is unique to you, your situation and your goals. There is no cookie cutter solution to dealing with digital assets, and you may find it beneficial to work with an experienced legal ally to effectively handle these issues as you craft an estate plan that works for you.

If you need a will or need to update a will to include digital assets and information, you have no time to lose in getting the necessary protections in place. This protection can give you peace of mind and confidence for the future.


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