What can I do with unwanted inherited property?

On Behalf of | May 27, 2019 | Estate Planning |

Some forms of an inheritance you may look forward to, such as cash or the family vacation home. You may also cherish the heirlooms you grew up with, like your mother’s fine china or your father’s vintage vinyl collection. Other things you receive after your parents’ death, however, you may not have the room for or you are simply not interested in having in your home. Before you throw away these items, you should understand how an estate sale can help you and other United Kingdom residents in the same situation.

You should not have to toss out the unwanted items in your inheritance or put them in storage, explains HowStuffWorks. Furnishings, appliances, clothing, costume jewelry and knickknacks that you do not need can have great value to others. This is where an estate sale can come in useful. Estate sales differ from garage sales, in that the items up for sale are managed in an organized, professional manner, usually by an experienced estate sale agent or auctioneer.

The estate sale agent is responsible for pricing and organizing the items for sale, directing buyers, supervising the event, managing transactions and cleaning up when it is over. As you can see, an estate sale can ensure your parents’ possessions are handled with respect and go to good new homes.

There are many complex steps to take after the death of a loved one, managing the possessions they leave behind being only one. Therefore, the information in this blog is not intended as legal advice.


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