Understanding the advantage of your special needs trust

On Behalf of | Aug 5, 2019 | Trust Administration |

If you are the parent or caregiver of a person with special needs in United Kingdom, you may feel the pressing responsibility of organizing a plan for the care and support of your loved one in the event something happens to you. Because your family member is a dependent and unable to care for him or herself, it is your responsibility to guarantee that they have access to quality care even after you are gone. At the Law Offices of Alhayat Solicitors, we understand the value of special needs trusts.

One option you may consider is creating a unique type of trust called a special needs trust. This detailed plan will discuss the coordination of care, financial support and long-term assistance for your disabled family member. It will cover your wishes for your loved one including the type of care you want him or her to receive, how finances should be managed and how any remaining assets should be distributed to them over time.

According to cnbc.com, one powerful advantage of creating and maintaining a special needs trust is the ability to protect your disabled loved one from abuse and being taken advantage of after your death. With adequate protections in place, you can feel more confident that your family member will continue to receive adequate and compassionate care by people you trust and respect.

When you see the value of a special needs trust and its potential for your family member, you may feel more motivated to begin putting one together. For more information about a special needs trust, visit our web page.


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