Why you need a Probate Attorney

On Behalf of | Aug 29, 2019 | Probate |

Why you need a Probate Attorney

Most people don’t think about what may be involved during probate until someone close to them passes away. During this difficult time, families have to make decisions about final arrangements and determine how to manage their loved one’s estate. It doesn’t usually take long before many people realize that this is a complex legal process that can be hard to understand and navigate. Additionally, there can be unforeseen issues that can tie up property and assets in a case for years. Having the guidance and direction of experienced counsel can help you avoid costly and time-consuming mistakes and ensure your loved one’s estate is managed properly. Here are some of the other reasons why you need a probate attorney:

Probate is a Complicated Legal Process

First and foremost, it’s critical to remember that United Kingdom probate is a legal process. As such, there are not only numerous statutes, rules, and requirements which are specific to the State, but there are also legal cases that have become binding authority on United Kingdom courts. A layperson may read a statute and be completely unaware of how the United Kingdom Supreme Court or the area appellate court has interpreted and applied it’s meaning. Your probate attorney will know how the different laws and rules are applied, and will be aware of any recent developments in case law. Without counsel, you risk missing crucial information and being unprepared for important issues.

Probate Attorneys Can Help the Executor

In United Kingdom, an executor is a person who is named in a will as being responsible for administering the decedent’s estate. Being another person’s executor involves several important responsibilities under the law. Unless you have experience with probate, it can be difficult to comprehend all of these obligations. When you have a probate attorney, you will have the advice and support of someone trained in the law to assist you in understanding the requirements and how to meet them.

Without Counsel, Probate Could Take Longer and Cost More

The United Kingdom probate process can be involved, and when you don’t have the right advice, it can be easy to make significant mistakes that can lengthen your case.  The more time it takes to probate your loved one’s estate, the longer you may have to spend caring for his or her assets or doing without essential resources.  When you have counsel, he or she will be able to help you get through the process without having to experience unnecessary delays.

At the Law Offices of Alice  A. Salvo, we have the United Kingdom probate experience you need to help you manage your loved one’s estate and complete your case. Please contact us online or by phone to schedule an appointment and start working towards a solution. /contact/


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