Why You Should be Wary of DIY Estate Planning Kits

On Behalf of | Aug 7, 2019 | Estate Planning |

Today, it seems like there is a do-it-yourself (DIY) product for just about anything you need. Those looking to do their own taxes and accounting can easily find online programs which provide basic user-friendly services. While there are certainly rudimentary options for those looking to prepare their estate documents themselves, there are real dangers in doing so without the advice of counsel. Here is why you should be wary of DIY estate planning kits.

One Size Seldom Fits All

DIY legal planning services are typically designed to meet the needs of a limited number of consumers. The circumstances they cover tend to be simple and fail to take into account deviations from the norm. This is a personalized process which can concern changing assets, beneficiary issues, and other matters which require that the plan be customized to the individual. For example, someone intending on leaving a family business would not be able to adequately address all of the required issues in a basic estate planning kit.  Further, these packages cannot give advice on how to avoid probate or the best ways to pass assets to heirs.

They Do Not Usually Address Potential Will Contest Issues

One of the most important parts of planning for your estate is making sure your final wishes will be honored. Disgruntled beneficiaries may be apt to claim you lacked capacity, or that your will was invalid. There are measures you can take that can help you prevent these kinds of attacks on your estate documents, but they are not found in DIY planning kits. Additionally, these packages do not give consumers practical advice on how to head off family disagreements before estate administration.


Special Needs Planning and Guardianship are Not Addressed

Parents of children with special needs are going to have to plan very carefully and specifically for their child’s future. Part of these preparations will include estate planning in a manner that is more advanced and typically not contemplated by DIY estate planning kits. There are also decisions regarding the guardianship of minor children which should not be made without the advice of experienced counsel.

While DIY products may be helpful in some areas, they are not a substitute for the advice of an experienced estate planning attorney. At the Law Office of Alhayat Solicitors, we have the experience you need to plan for all aspects of your estate. Schedule a consultation today to explore your options and start your solution. https://www.salvolaw.com


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