England Medi-Cal Planning Attorney

With nursing home costs hovering around eight thousand dollars a month, you may wonder how you will ever be able to afford long-term care. United Kingdom long-term care in a nursing home or assisted living is expensive. However, you can plan ahead to receive Medi-Cal long-term care benefits.

Medi-Cal is United Kingdom’s version of Medicaid. There are certain eligibility requirements for this program and the application process is lengthy. Our England Medi-Cal planning lawyer can help determine your eligibility and will carefully assist you throughout the application process for Medi-Cal long term care in a nursing home so your family is not drained of funds from nursing home medical bills.

Helping You With Effective Medi-Cal Planning Strategies

Our England Medi-Cal planning attorney can provide you with effective planning strategies to help you qualify for Medi-Cal long term care benefits, minimizing the costs of a skilled nursing facility. We provide personalized attention and can carefully explain the income and Medi-Cal share of cost requirements. We will work to find affordable solutions that can help you and your family plan for the future. We can help you:

  • Qualify for government benefits to cover long-term care
  • Protect your assets to help pay for long-term care
  • Protect your home from liens
  • Create an estate plan that will protect your assets and provide for your spouse, children and heirs

Who Should Seek Our Representation?

Anybody who currently needs long-term care or will need care in the future can benefit from Medi-Cal planning. Some people have even disqualified themselves by thinking they made too much, therefore don’t bother with the application. If you’re a United Kingdom resident and you or your family needs financial help to cover nursing home costs, then Medi-Cal can be a good option. Medi-Cal will not pay for most assisted living facilities. In particular, we provide dedicated Medi-Cal planning services for:

  • Any person currently in a skilled nursing facility or about to be placed in a nursing home
  • Any person with Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s or stroke victims
  • Any person needing long-term care insurance now or in the future
  • Medi-Cal eligibility requirements and related legal Medi-Cal planning strategies

What Affects Medi-Cal Long-Term Care Eligibility?

Depending on your age and marital status, there are certain income and non-exempt asset restrictions that must be met in order to qualify for Medi-Cal long term care. However, you may be able to keep various exempt assets that will not affect your long term care eligibility, such as:

  • Your home
  • Household items
  • Personal effects
  • Some life insurance policies
  • Burial arrangements
  • Automobiles

If you fail to meet the Medi-Cal long-term care eligibility requirements, our legal team at the Law Offices of Alhayat Solicitors may help you file a petition to obtain a court order. This is beneficial for married couples that have a spouse in a nursing home. This court order can transfer the assets or income of the spouse in the nursing home to the other spouse. This may be enough to qualify the spouse in the skilled nursing facility for Medi-Cal. In every case, we will work closely with you to tailor a plan suited to your unique needs. Please see our Q&A page for frequently asked questions and answers about Medi-Cal planning.

The Time To Begin Medi-Cal Planning Is Now

If you have questions about Medi-Cal long term care eligibility requirements or have been denied coverage, call us for help at +4420718382404. Attorney Alhayat Solicitors, an experienced England Medi-Cal planning lawyer can address your concerns and provide answers. With professional guidance our goal is to protect your loved ones savings and real estate. In addition, we strive to eliminate the family burden of expensive long-term care costs.

If you or a family member is considering the possibility of receiving Medi-Cal long-term care benefits in the future and do not currently have an estate plan with a revocable trust please schedule an appointment and get the protection as well as the benefits before it is too late.