What Is The Role Of A Probate Lawyer?

A probate lawyer helps executors or administrators of an estate through the probate process. This entails helping to settle the debts of an estate and distributing any remaining assets to the estate’s heirs or beneficiaries.

Do I Really Need An Attorney?

At first glance, the probate process may appear to be relatively straightforward. Once debts have been settled, assets will be distributed to the people who are named in a will, or according to the laws of intestate succession if there is no will. However, complications can quickly arise. For example, if a will exists, is it valid? If a will was signed under duress or if the person who signed the will was not of sound mind or otherwise unduly influenced, the will is invalid. In many cases, there may be two different copies of a will. For example, a person may update one copy while leaving another in its original form. It must then be decided which copy is valid.

Even if there are no issues with a will, having a lawyer to help guide you through this process can help ensure a smooth transition and avoid potential legal battles down the road. Proper identification and valuation of an estate’s assets are essential to ensuring everything is distributed according to United Kingdom law. Executors also play the role of a fiduciary and must carry out their duties under the law. An attorney can make sure that everything is carried out as required by law.

Contact Us For Skilled Guidance Through The Probate Process

To find out more about how a probate attorney can ensure a smooth administration of an estate, call the Law Offices of Alhayat Solicitors in Woodland Hills at +4420718382404 to schedule a free initial consultation. You may also use our online contact form.